New York Cannabis Retail Now Open – Compliant Retail Locations Available

Huge news out of New York this week! New York is finally open for retail applications starting October 4, 2023.

Applicants with real estate have a significant advantage as they will be fast tracked through the process and also have a flag planted for their location which will potentially buffer out competition.

The application window will remain open for 60 days, but the earlier an application is submitted, the better.

CannDev secured 10 locations (see below) in various markets around NY state. Please take a look at them and let us know if they are of interest.

In addition, we have dozens of sites coming in the 5 NY boroughs. To access these private deals you must be signed up to our NY list.

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Where we send you new deals in emerging cannabis retail markets soon to be open for applications.

As you know, new markets around the country are opening up at a rapid pace.

This creates enormous opportunity for those who can be the first to plant a flag in a new city and secure a ‘first mover advantage.’

We’re currently securing compliant retail real estate in many markets throughout the USA.